WordPress is a powerful and flexible platform that allows you to create and edit content for your website. However, sometimes you may want to undo some changes or restore a previous version of your content. This is where WordPress revisions come in handy.

WordPress revisions are a feature that automatically saves a copy of your post or page every time you make an edit or update. You can also manually save a revision by clicking on the Save Draft button. WordPress revisions allow you to view, compare, and restore different versions of your content, as well as see who made the changes and when.

In this article, we will show you how to manage WordPress revisions in different ways, such as deleting, limiting, disabling, and optimizing them. We will also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of WordPress revisions and how they affect your site performance.

How to View WordPress Revisions

To view WordPress revisions, you need to log in to your WordPress dashboard and edit the post or page that you want to check. On the right sidebar, under the Document tab, you will see a Revisions link that shows the number of revisions for that post or page. Click on it to open the revisions screen.

On the revisions screen, you will see a slider at the top that allows you to navigate through different versions of your content. You can also use the Next and Previous buttons to move forward and backward. The revisions screen shows two columns: the left one is the older version and the right one is the newer version. The changes are highlighted in green (for added content) and red (for deleted content). You can also see who made the changes and when at the bottom of each column.

To compare any two revisions, you can check the box that says Compare any two revisions at the top of the slider. This will enable you to drag two handles on the slider and select any two versions that you want to compare.

To restore a revision, you can click on the Restore This Revision button at the top right corner of the screen. This will overwrite your current content with the selected revision. To go back to the post editor without restoring a revision, you can click on the post title at the top left corner of the screen.

How to Delete WordPress Revisions

WordPress revisions can be useful for tracking changes and restoring previous versions of your content, but they can also take up a lot of space in your database and affect your site performance. If you have a lot of revisions that you don’t need anymore, you may want to delete them to free up some space and optimize your database.

There are different ways to delete WordPress revisions, depending on how many revisions you want to delete and how often you want to do it. Here are some options:

  • Delete revisions manually: You can delete revisions one by one by using a plugin like WP-Optimize or WP Sweep. These plugins allow you to clean up your database by deleting unnecessary data, such as revisions, drafts, spam comments, transients, etc. You can also schedule regular database optimization with these plugins.
  • Delete revisions in bulk: You can delete all revisions for a specific post or page by using a plugin like Better Delete Revision or Revision Control. These plugins allow you to manage revisions for each post or page individually and delete them in bulk. You can also limit the number of revisions for each post or page with these plugins.
  • Delete revisions with code: You can delete all revisions for all posts and pages by using a code snippet that you can add to your functions.php file or a site-specific plugin. Here is an example of such a code snippet:

// Delete all WordPress revisions function delete_all_revisions() { global $wpdb; $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type = 'revision'"); } add_action('init', 'delete_all_revisions');

This code snippet will run every time your site loads and delete all revisions from your database. However, this is not recommended as it may slow down your site and cause errors. A better way to use this code snippet is to run it once and then remove it from your file or plugin.

How to Limit WordPress Revisions

If you don’t want to delete WordPress revisions completely, but you also don’t want to store too many revisions for each post or page, you can limit the number of revisions that WordPress keeps in your database. This way, you can still use the revisions feature but reduce its impact on your database size and site performance.

There are different ways to limit WordPress revisions, depending on how many revisions you want to keep and how flexible you want to be. Here are some options:

  • Limit revisions with code: You can limit the number of revisions for all posts and pages by using a code snippet that you can add to your wp-config.php file. Here is an example of such a code snippet:

// Limit WordPress revisions to 5 per post or page define('WP_POST_REVISIONS', 5);

This code snippet will tell WordPress to keep only the last 5 revisions for each post or page and delete the older ones. You can change the number 5 to any number that you prefer. You can also disable revisions completely by setting the number to 0 or false.

  • Limit revisions with a plugin: You can limit the number of revisions for each post or page individually by using a plugin like Revision Control or WP Revisions Limit. These plugins allow you to set a custom number of revisions for each post or page, as well as a default number for all posts and pages. You can also exclude certain post types or users from the revision limit with these plugins.

How to Disable WordPress Revisions

If you don’t want to use WordPress revisions at all, you can disable them completely and prevent WordPress from creating any revisions for your posts and pages. This way, you can save a lot of space in your database and improve your site performance.

There are different ways to disable WordPress revisions, depending on how permanent you want to make the change and how comfortable you are with editing code. Here are some options:

  • Disable revisions with code: You can disable revisions for all posts and pages by using a code snippet that you can add to your wp-config.php file. Here is an example of such a code snippet:

// Disable WordPress revisions define('WP_POST_REVISIONS', false);

This code snippet will tell WordPress not to create any revisions for any post or page. You can also set the number to 0 instead of false to achieve the same result.

  • Disable revisions with a plugin: You can disable revisions for all posts and pages by using a plugin like Disable Post Revision or WP Disable Revisions. These plugins allow you to turn off the revisions feature with one click and also delete all existing revisions from your database.

How to Optimize WordPress Revisions

If you want to use WordPress revisions but also optimize your database and site performance, you can do some tweaks and best practices that will help you achieve both goals. Here are some tips:

  • Use a caching plugin: A caching plugin like WP Rocket or W3 Total Cache can speed up your site by creating static copies of your pages and serving them to your visitors instead of querying your database every time. This can reduce the load on your database and make your site faster.
  • Use a backup plugin: A backup plugin like UpdraftPlus or BackupBuddy can help you create regular backups of your site and restore it in case of any disaster. This can give you peace of mind and prevent you from losing any data, including your revisions.
  • Use a revision management plugin: A revision management plugin like Revision Control or WP Revisions Limit can help you manage your revisions more efficiently and flexibly. You can set custom limits, exclude certain post types or users, delete old revisions, and more.
  • Use a database optimization plugin: A database optimization plugin like WP-Optimize or WP Sweep can help you clean up your database and remove any unnecessary data, such as revisions, drafts, spam comments, transients, etc. You can also schedule regular database optimization with these plugins.

Advantages and Disadvantages of WordPress Revisions

WordPress revisions are a useful feature that can help you create and edit content more easily and safely. However, they also have some drawbacks that you need to be aware of. Here are some pros and cons of WordPress revisions:


  • You can track the changes and history of your content and see who made them and when.
  • You can undo any unwanted changes or mistakes and restore a previous version of your content.
  • You can compare different versions of your content and see what has been added, deleted, or modified.
  • You can collaborate with other users and see their contributions and feedback.


  • They can take up a lot of space in your database and affect your site performance.
  • They can create confusion and clutter if you have too many revisions for each post or page.
  • They can expose sensitive information if you have edited or deleted something that you don’t want others to see.


WordPress revisions are a feature that allows you to view, compare, and restore different versions of your posts and pages. They can help you create and edit content more easily and safely, but they can also take up a lot of space in your database and affect your site performance.

In this article, we have shown you how to manage WordPress revisions in different ways, such as deleting, limiting, disabling, and optimizing them. We have also discussed the advantages and disadvantages of WordPress revisions and how they affect your site performance.

We hope you found this article helpful and informative. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you for reading!

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