WordPress is one of the most popular and powerful platforms for creating and managing websites, blogs, e-commerce stores, and more. However, WordPress can also be complex and overwhelming for beginners and developers alike. That’s why having a WordPress cheat sheet can be very helpful and convenient. A WordPress cheat sheet is a collection of shortcuts, commands, snippets, and tips that can help you work faster and smarter with WordPress. In this article, I will share with you some of the best WordPress cheat sheets that you can use for different purposes.

WordPress Cheat Sheet for Beginners

If you are new to WordPress, you might find it hard to remember all the steps and options that you need to do to set up and run your WordPress site. That’s why having a WordPress cheat sheet for beginners can be very useful. A WordPress cheat sheet for beginners can help you with the basic tasks and functions that you need to perform on WordPress, such as installing WordPress, creating posts and pages, managing plugins and themes, and more.

One of the best WordPress cheat sheets for beginners is the WP-CLI cheat sheet. WP-CLI stands for WordPress Command Line Interface, which is a tool that allows you to manage your WordPress site using commands instead of a web browser. WP-CLI can help you save time and avoid errors by automating common tasks and operations on WordPress. For example, you can use WP-CLI to download, install, update, and configure WordPress, as well as to manage plugins, themes, users, posts, databases, and more.

The WP-CLI cheat sheet contains the most popular and useful WP-CLI commands that you can use to manage your WordPress site. You can download the WP-CLI cheat sheet from here. You can also find more information and documentation about WP-CLI from here.

WordPress Cheat Sheet for Developers

If you are a WordPress developer or want to become one, you might need to deal with complex and challenging code when creating or customizing WordPress themes and plugins. That’s why having a WordPress cheat sheet for developers can be very handy. A WordPress cheat sheet for developers can help you with the advanced tasks and functions that you need to perform on WordPress, such as using WordPress tags, functions, hooks, filters, template hierarchy, loop, and more.

One of the best WordPress cheat sheets for developers is the WordPress Theme Development cheat sheet. This cheat sheet covers the essential tags and functions that you need to know when building a WordPress theme. A WordPress theme is a collection of files that define the appearance and functionality of your WordPress site. You can use a WordPress theme to customize your site’s layout, design, features, and more.

The WordPress Theme Development cheat sheet contains the basic template file names and structure that you need to follow when creating a WordPress theme. It also contains the most important functions and tags that you need to use to display dynamic content on your theme, such as site title, logo, header, footer, sidebar, menu, post title, content, excerpt, thumbnail, comments, pagination, and more.

You can download the WordPress Theme Development cheat sheet from here. You can also find more information and documentation about WordPress theme development from here.

WordPress Cheat Sheet for Keyboard Shortcuts

If you are a WordPress blogger or editor, you might want to save time and improve your productivity by using keyboard shortcuts instead of mouse clicks. That’s why having a WordPress cheat sheet for keyboard shortcuts can be very beneficial. A WordPress cheat sheet for keyboard shortcuts can help you with the simple tasks and functions that you need to perform on WordPress, such as writing posts and pages, formatting text, inserting links and images, moderating comments, and more.

One of the best WordPress cheat sheets for keyboard shortcuts is the WordPress Keyboard Shortcuts cheat sheet. This cheat sheet contains the most common and useful keyboard shortcuts that you can use to work faster and easier on WordPress. You can use these keyboard shortcuts to perform actions such as bolding text (Ctrl + B), italicizing text (Ctrl + I), undoing changes (Ctrl + Z), redoing changes (Ctrl + Y), saving changes (Ctrl + S), inserting links (Ctrl + K), inserting images (Alt + Shift + M), switching between visual and text editor (Alt + Shift + W), approving comments (A), deleting comments (D), replying comments ®, moving comments to spam (S), moving comments to trash (T), restoring comments from trash (Z), marking comments as unapproved (U), selecting all comments (X), deselecting all comments (Shift + X), navigating between comments (J or K), opening comment action menu (Shift + A), closing comment action menu (Esc), opening help screen (Alt + H).

You can download the WordPress Keyboard Shortcuts cheat sheet from here.


WordPress is a great platform for creating and managing websites, blogs, e-commerce stores, and more. However, WordPress can also be complicated and overwhelming for beginners and developers alike. That’s why having a WordPress cheat sheet can be very helpful and convenient. A WordPress cheat sheet is a collection of shortcuts, commands, snippets, and tips that can help you work faster and smarter with WordPress.

In this article, I have shared with you some of the best WordPress cheat sheets that you can use for different purposes. You can use these cheat sheets to perform the basic, advanced, and simple tasks and functions that you need to do on WordPress, such as installing WordPress, creating themes and plugins, writing posts and pages, managing plugins and themes, formatting text, inserting links and images, moderating comments, and more.

We hope this article was useful for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know.

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