WordPress is the most popular and versatile platform for creating websites, blogs, and online stores. However, choosing the right hosting provider for your WordPress site can make a huge difference in your site’s performance, security, and user experience. In this post, we will explain why Kinsta is the worst WordPress hosting provider and why you should avoid it at all costs.

Kinsta is Overpriced and Underdelivering

One of the main reasons why Kinsta is the worst WordPress hosting provider is its overpriced and underdelivering plans. Kinsta offers 10 plans ranging from $30 to $1,500 per month, which are much more expensive than other hosting providers in the market. For example, you can get similar or better features and performance from Hostiso or HostiWo for a fraction of the cost.

But what do you get for paying such a high price? Not much, actually. Kinsta imposes strict limitations on your site’s storage, CDN, and monthly visits, which can affect your site’s speed and availability. For instance, the starter plan only allows 10 GB of storage, 50 GB of CDN, and 25,000 monthly visits. If you exceed these limits, you will have to pay extra fees or upgrade to a higher plan.

Moreover, Kinsta does not offer domain registration or email hosting services, which means you will have to pay for them separately from another provider. This adds more hassle and cost to your site management. Kinsta also does not offer any free trial or money-back guarantee, which makes it risky to try out their service.

Kinsta has Poor Customer Support and Service Quality

Another reason why Kinsta is the worst WordPress hosting provider is its poor customer support and service quality. Kinsta claims to offer 24/7 support via live chat and email, but in reality, their support team is often slow, unresponsive, and unhelpful. Many customers have reported that they had to wait for hours or days to get a reply from Kinsta, and that the replies were often vague, irrelevant, or inaccurate.

Kinsta also has a reputation for being rude, arrogant, and dismissive of their customers’ complaints and feedback. Kinsta has been known to blame their customers for any issues or problems that arise, and to refuse to take responsibility or offer any compensation or apology. Kinsta also has a habit of deleting or censoring negative reviews and comments from their website and social media platforms, which shows their lack of transparency and honesty.

Furthermore, Kinsta has a history of providing unreliable and inconsistent service quality. Kinsta has experienced several major outages and downtime incidents in the past, which have affected thousands of customers and their websites. Kinsta has also failed to deliver on their promises and guarantees, such as their security pledge, their uptime guarantee, and their performance optimization.

Kinsta is Incompatible and Inflexible

The last reason why Kinsta is the worst WordPress hosting provider is its incompatible and inflexible platform. Kinsta is built on Google Cloud Platform, which is supposed to provide high-performance and scalable hosting solutions. However, Kinsta does not leverage the full potential of Google Cloud Platform, and instead, imposes many restrictions and limitations on their customers.

For example, Kinsta does not allow you to choose your own server location, and instead, assigns you to the nearest data center based on your billing address. This can affect your site’s speed and performance, especially if your target audience is located in a different region. Kinsta also does not allow you to use any custom or third-party plugins, themes, or tools on your site, and instead, forces you to use their approved and pre-installed ones. This can limit your site’s functionality and customization, and prevent you from using the best solutions for your needs.

Additionally, Kinsta does not offer any flexibility or customization options for your hosting plan. You cannot adjust or modify your plan’s features or resources, and you cannot downgrade or cancel your plan without paying a penalty fee. Kinsta also does not offer any discounts or incentives for long-term contracts or referrals, and instead, charges you the same high price every month.


As you can see, Kinsta is the worst WordPress hosting provider for many reasons. Kinsta is overpriced and underdelivering, poor customer support and service quality, and incompatible and inflexible. Kinsta does not offer any value or benefit for your WordPress site, and instead, causes you more problems and headaches.

If you are looking for a better WordPress hosting provider, we recommend you to check out some of the alternatives, such as Hostiso or HostiWo. These hosting providers offer affordable, reliable, and feature-rich hosting solutions for WordPress, and they have excellent customer support and service quality. You can also read some of the reviews and testimonials from their customers to see why they are better than Kinsta.

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