WordPress is one of the most popular and widely used platforms for creating and managing websites. However, WordPress sites are not immune to various risks, such as hacking, server crashes, human errors, or faulty updates. That’s why it is essential to backup your WordPress site regularly, so that you can restore it in case of any disaster.

There are many WordPress backup plugins available, but one of the most trusted and reliable ones is UpdraftPlus. UpdraftPlus is a comprehensive backup and migration plugin that allows you to backup your WordPress files, databases, plugins and themes to your preferred storage location, and restore them with a single click. You can also use UpdraftPlus to migrate or clone your WordPress site to a new domain or host.

In this article, we will review how to use UpdraftPlus to backup and restore your WordPress site, and highlight some of its features and benefits.

UpdraftPlus is easy to install and use. You can download the free version from the WordPress plugin repository1, or purchase the premium version from the official website2. Once you activate the plugin, you can access its settings from the WordPress dashboard.

To backup your WordPress site with UpdraftPlus, you need to choose a secure storage location for your backups. UpdraftPlus supports a wide range of remote storage options, such as Dropbox, Google Drive, Amazon S3, FTP, email and more. The premium version also supports additional options, such as Microsoft OneDrive, Backblaze B2, WebDAV and more.

You can also set up backup schedules, so that UpdraftPlus will automatically backup your site at regular intervals. You can choose to backup every 2, 4, 8 or 12 hours, daily, weekly, fortnightly or monthly. You can also specify how many backups you want to keep.

To backup your site manually, you can click on the “Backup Now” button in the UpdraftPlus settings page. This will bring up a popup with options to backup your WordPress database and files. You can also choose whether you want to send the backup to remote storage or not.

To restore your site from a backup, you can click on the “Restore” button next to the backup you want to use. This will bring up a popup with options to select which components you want to restore (e.g. plugins, themes, database etc.). You can also upload a backup file from your computer or from a remote storage location.

UpdraftPlus also allows you to migrate or clone your WordPress site to a new domain or host. You can do this by downloading your backup files from the source site, and uploading them to the destination site using UpdraftPlus. You can also use the built-in search-and-replace engine to update any old URLs or strings in your site.

UpdraftPlus has many features and benefits that make it one of the best WordPress backup plugins. Some of them are:

  • It is trusted by over 3 million WordPress sites.
  • It performs complete backups of all your WordPress components.
  • It restores backups directly from your WordPress control panel.
  • It supports incremental backups, which only backup changes since the last backup.
  • It provides fast and personal support from the plugin developers.
  • It backs up non-WordPress files and databases as well.
  • It supports network/multisite backups.
  • It provides sophisticated reporting and emailing capabilities.
  • It encrypts your sensitive databases.
  • It creates pre-update backups before any updates to plugins, themes or cores.
  • It allows you to clone temporary sites using UpdraftClone.


UpdraftPlus is a powerful and versatile WordPress backup plugin that can help you protect your site from any potential threats. It is easy to use, reliable and comprehensive. It offers both free and premium versions with different features and options. Whether you want to backup, restore or migrate your WordPress site, UpdraftPlus can handle it all.

We hope this article has given you an overview of how to use UpdraftPlus to backup your WordPress site. If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know in the comments below. Thank you for reading!

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