Jetpack is a popular WordPress plugin that offers a range of features to enhance your site’s security, performance, marketing, and design. In this tutorial, we will show you how to configure Jetpack settings for your WordPress site, and explain what each option does.

Installing and Connecting Jetpack

Before you can configure Jetpack settings, you need to install and activate the plugin on your WordPress site. You can do this by following these steps:

  • Go to Plugins > Add New in your WordPress dashboard.
  • Search for Jetpack and click on Install Now.
  • After the installation is complete, click on Activate.
  • You will be redirected to a page where you need to connect Jetpack to your account. If you don’t have one, you can create one for free.
  • Once you are connected, you will see a welcome screen with some recommended features. You can choose to enable them or skip them for now.

Configuring Jetpack Settings

After you have installed and connected Jetpack, you can access its settings by going to Jetpack > Settings in your WordPress dashboard. You will see four tabs: SecurityPerformanceWriting, and Sharing. Each tab has different options that you can enable or disable according to your needs. Here is a brief overview of what each tab offers:


The Security tab contains options related to the protection of your site from threats and attacks. You can enable or disable the following features:

  • Backups and security scanning: This feature allows you to automatically back up your site in real time and restore it to any point with one click. It also scans your site for malware and other code threats, and alerts you if any are found. You can choose from different plans depending on your storage and scanning needs. This feature requires a paid subscription12.
  • Brute force attack protection: This feature protects your WordPress login page from brute force attacks, which are attempts to guess your password by trying different combinations. You can also whitelist your own IP addresses to avoid being locked out.
  • secure sign on: This feature allows you to use your account to log in to your site, instead of your username and password. You can also enable two-factor authentication for extra security.
  • Downtime monitoring: This feature monitors your site’s uptime and downtime, and notifies you by email if your site goes down or comes back up.
  • Plugin updates: This feature allows you to automatically update your plugins to the latest version, or choose which ones to update manually. You can also view your plugin activity log to see who made changes and when.


The Performance tab contains options related to the speed and optimization of your site. You can enable or disable the following features:

  • Site accelerator: This feature uses Jetpack’s free CDN (content delivery network) to serve your images and static files (such as CSS and JavaScript) from their own servers, instead of yours. This reduces the load on your server and improves your site’s performance. You can also enable lazy loading for images, which means they will only load when they are visible on the screen, saving bandwidth and speeding up your site.
  • Video hosting: This feature allows you to upload and host your videos on Jetpack’s servers, instead of yours. This saves you storage space and bandwidth, and provides you with high-speed, ad-free video streaming. You can also customize the video player and add subtitles. This feature requires a paid subscription12.
  • Search: This feature replaces the default WordPress search with a faster and more accurate one, powered by Elasticsearch. It also adds filters and sorting options to help your visitors find what they are looking for. This feature requires a paid subscription12.


The Writing tab contains options related to the content creation and editing of your site. You can enable or disable the following features:

  • Compose using any device: This feature allows you to use the app or any other compatible app to write and edit your posts and pages from any device, such as your phone or tablet. You can also access your media library and upload images and videos from your device.
  • Speed up images and photos: This feature automatically optimizes your images for the web, reducing their file size and improving their quality. You can also use the built-in image editor to crop, rotate, flip, and filter your images.
  • Write posts and pages with the block editor: This feature enables the block editor, which is the new and improved way of creating and editing content in WordPress. You can use blocks to add different types of content, such as text, images, videos, galleries, buttons, and more. You can also customize the layout and appearance of each block.
  • Custom content types: This feature allows you to add custom content types to your site, such as portfolios and testimonials. You can use them to showcase your work and services, and display them in different ways on your site.
  • Post by email: This feature allows you to write and publish posts by sending an email to a unique address. You can also attach images and videos to your email, and they will be added to your post.
  • Markdown: This feature allows you to use Markdown syntax to write and format your posts and pages. Markdown is a simple and easy way of adding headings, lists, links, images, and more to your content, without using HTML tags.


The Sharing tab contains options related to the social media and marketing of your site. You can enable or disable the following features:

  • Publicize connections: This feature allows you to automatically share your posts on your social media accounts, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more. You can also customize the message and image that will be shared, and schedule your posts for a later time.
  • Sharing buttons: This feature allows you to add sharing buttons to your posts and pages, so that your visitors can easily share your content on their own social media accounts. You can choose from different button styles and locations, and select which services to include.
  • Like buttons: This feature allows you to add like buttons to your posts and pages, so that your visitors can show their appreciation for your content. You can also see how many likes each post and page has received, and who liked them.
  • Related posts: This feature allows you to display related posts at the bottom of your posts and pages, to keep your visitors engaged and interested in your content. You can also customize the appearance and relevance of the related posts.
  • Subscriptions: This feature allows you to add a subscription form to your site, so that your visitors can sign up to receive email notifications whenever you publish new posts or comments. You can also manage your subscribers and view your subscription stats.
  • Comments: This feature allows you to enhance the default WordPress comment system with more features and options. You can enable comment likes, social login, Gravatar hovercards, and more. You can also moderate your comments from the dashboard.


Jetpack is a powerful and versatile plugin that can help you improve your WordPress site in many ways. By configuring Jetpack settings, you can enable or disable the features that suit your needs and preferences. We hope this tutorial has helped you understand how to configure Jetpack settings for your WordPress site. If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know in the comments below.

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