Cloning a website means creating an exact copy of an existing website, including its design, content, functionality, and database. Cloning a website can be useful for various purposes, such as:

  • Creating a backup of a website in case of emergencies or disasters
  • Testing new features or updates on a website without affecting the live site
  • Migrating a website to a new domain or hosting provider
  • Developing a new website based on an existing template or layout

There are different ways to clone a website, but the most common ones are using cPanel, a plugin, and manually. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of ease, speed, accuracy, and cost. In this guide, we will explain how to clone a website using these three methods and what are the pros and cons of each one.

Using cPanel:

cPanel is a web hosting control panel that allows users to manage various aspects of their websites, such as domains, files, databases, emails, security, and backups. One of the features that cPanel offers is the ability to clone a website using the Backup Wizard or the Softaculous Apps Installer.

The Backup Wizard allows users to create a full or partial backup of their website and download it to their local computer. The backup file contains all the files and databases of the website. To clone a website using the Backup Wizard, users need to follow these steps:

  • Log in to cPanel and click on Backup Wizard under the Files section.
  • Click on Backup and choose whether to create a Full Backup or a Partial Backup. A full backup includes all the files and databases of the website, while a partial backup allows users to select specific files or databases to backup.
  • Click on Download or Generate a Full Website Backup or Download for each file or database that needs to be backed up.
  • Save the backup file to the local computer.

To restore the backup file to another website, users need to follow these steps:

  • Log in to cPanel and click on Backup Wizard under the Files section.
  • Click on Restore and choose whether to restore a Full Backup or a Partial Backup.
  • Click on Choose File and select the backup file from the local computer.
  • Click on Upload and wait for the restoration process to complete.

The Softaculous Apps Installer allows users to install various applications on their websites, such as WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Magento, etc. One of the features that Softaculous offers is the ability to clone an installed application to another website using the Clone option. To clone a website using Softaculous, users need to follow these steps:

  • Log in to cPanel and click on Softaculous Apps Installer under the Software section.
  • Click on the application that needs to be cloned from the list of installed applications.
  • Click on the Clone icon next to the application name.
  • Enter the details of the destination website, such as domain name, directory name, database name, database user name, database password, etc.
  • Click on Clone Installation and wait for the cloning process to complete.

The pros and cons of using cPanel to clone a website are:


  • It is easy and fast to use
  • It does not require any technical skills or coding knowledge
  • It preserves the exact design, content, functionality, and database of the original website
  • It is free or included in most web hosting plans


  • It requires access to cPanel
  • It may not work with some custom or complex websites
  • It may consume a lot of disk space and bandwidth

Using a plugin:

A plugin is a software component that adds specific features or functions to an existing application. There are various plugins available for different applications that can help users clone their websites. For example, for WordPress users, there are plugins such as Duplicator, All-in-One WP Migration, UpdraftPlus, etc. that can clone WordPress websites. To clone a website using a plugin, users need to follow these steps:

  • Install and activate the plugin on the original website
  • Follow the instructions provided by the plugin to create a backup or export file of the website
  • Download or save the backup or export file to the local computer or cloud storage
  • Install and activate the same plugin on the destination website
  • Follow the instructions provided by the plugin to restore or import the backup or export file from the local computer or cloud storage

The pros and cons of using a plugin to clone a website are:


  • It is easy and fast to use
  • It does not require access to cPanel or FTP
  • It works with most applications and websites
  • It offers various options and settings to customize the cloning process


  • It may require a premium or paid version of the plugin to access some features or functions
  • It may not work with some custom or complex websites
  • It may cause compatibility or security issues with other plugins or themes


Manually cloning a website means copying and transferring all the files and databases of the website from one location to another using FTP (File Transfer Protocol) or SSH (Secure Shell) and phpMyAdmin or MySQL. FTP and SSH are protocols that allow users to access and manipulate files on a remote server. phpMyAdmin and MySQL are tools that allow users to manage databases on a web server. To clone a website manually, users need to follow these steps:

  • Log in to the web server of the original website using FTP or SSH
  • Navigate to the root directory of the website and copy all the files and folders to the local computer
  • Log in to the web server of the destination website using FTP or SSH
  • Navigate to the root directory of the website and paste all the files and folders from the local computer
  • Log in to phpMyAdmin or MySQL on the web server of the original website
  • Select the database of the website and export it as a SQL file to the local computer
  • Log in to phpMyAdmin or MySQL on the web server of the destination website
  • Create a new database and import the SQL file from the local computer
  • Edit the configuration file of the website (such as wp-config.php for WordPress) and update the database name, user name, password, and host name

The pros and cons of manually cloning a website are:


  • It gives full control and flexibility over the cloning process
  • It works with any type of website, regardless of its complexity or customization
  • It does not require any additional software or plugin


  • It is difficult and time-consuming to use
  • It requires technical skills and coding knowledge
  • It may cause errors or issues if not done correctly


Cloning a website is a useful technique that can help users create an exact copy of their existing website for various purposes. There are three effective methods to clone a website: using cPanel, a plugin, or manually. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of ease, speed, accuracy, and cost. Users should choose the method that best suits their needs and preferences. Cloning a website can help users backup, test, migrate, or develop their website without affecting the original site.

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