Comments are a way of engaging with your visitors and creating a community around your site. They can also provide you with valuable feedback and insights into your content and audience. However, comments can also pose some challenges, such as spam, moderation, and performance.

To manage comments in WordPress, you need to have the permission to moderate comments or manage options. You can manage comments either from the Comments screen in your WordPress dashboard or from the front-end of your site if you enable comment moderation.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to manage comments in WordPress using three different aspects:

  • Aspect 1: Enabling and Disabling Comments
  • Aspect 2: Moderating and Editing Comments
  • Aspect 3: Configuring Comment Settings

Aspect 1: Enabling and Disabling Comments

Enabling and disabling comments is where you can control whether you want to allow or disallow comments on your site or on specific posts and pages. You can enable or disable comments globally for your entire site or individually for each post and page.

To enable and disable comments in WordPress, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings > Discussion from your WordPress dashboard.
  2. To enable or disable comments globally for your entire site, check or uncheck the box next to Allow people to submit comments on new posts under Default post settings.
  3. To enable or disable comments individually for each post and page, go to Posts > All Posts or Pages > All Pages and edit the post or page that you want to change.
  4. On the right sidebar, click on the Discussion section. If you don’t see it, click on the Screen Options tab at the top right corner and check the box next to Discussion.
  5. Check or uncheck the box next to Allow comments to enable or disable comments for that post or page.
  6. Click on Publish or Update to save your changes.

You should now see the comment status of your site or your post or page reflected on your site.

Aspect 2: Moderating and Editing Comments

Moderating and editing comments is where you can review, approve, reject, edit, or delete comments that are submitted on your site. You can moderate and edit comments either from the Comments screen in your WordPress dashboard or from the front-end of your site if you enable comment notification.

To moderate and edit comments in WordPress, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Comments from your WordPress dashboard.
  2. You will see a list of all the comments that are submitted on your site, along with their status, author, date, and content.
  3. To moderate a comment, hover over it and click on one of the options that appear below it: ApproveUnapproveSpam, or Trash. You can also use the bulk actions at the top of the list to moderate multiple comments at once.
  4. To edit a comment, hover over it and click on Edit. You will be able to change the author name, email, URL, comment content, and status of the comment. Click on Update to save your changes.
  5. To delete a comment permanently, go to the Trash tab at the top of the list and hover over the comment that you want to delete. Click on Delete Permanently to remove it from your site.

You should now see the comment status and content of your site updated accordingly.

Aspect 3: Configuring Comment Settings

Configuring comment settings is where you can customize various options and features related to comments on your site. You can configure comment settings such as notification, moderation, blacklist, avatar, etc.

To configure comment settings in WordPress, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings > Discussion from your WordPress dashboard.
  2. You will see several sections with different options and fields that you can adjust according to your preferences.
  3. For example, under Email me whenever, you can choose whether to receive an email notification whenever someone posts a comment or whenever a comment is held for moderation.
  4. Under Before a comment appears, you can choose whether to manually approve every comment or only those from new authors.
  5. Under Comment Moderation, you can enter words, names, URLs, emails, or IP addresses that will trigger comment moderation. Any comment that contains these items will be held for moderation before appearing on your site.
  6. Under Comment Blacklist, you can enter words, names, URLs, emails, or IP addresses that will mark comment as spam. Any comment that contains these items will be moved to the spam folder automatically.
  7. Under Avatars, you can choose whether to display avatars for comment authors and what type of avatar to use by default.
  8. Click on Save Changes at the bottom of the page to apply your new settings.

You should now see your comment settings reflected on your site and on your comments.


In this tutorial, we have shown you how to manage comments in WordPress using three different aspects: enabling and disabling comments, moderating and editing comments, and configuring comment settings. Each aspect has its own advantages and disadvantages, so you can choose the one that suits your needs and preferences.

We hope that this tutorial has been helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you for reading!

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