WooCommerce is a powerful and flexible platform for creating and managing online stores. However, to get the most out of WooCommerce, you might need some additional plugins that can enhance your store’s functionality and performance. In this article, we will introduce you to 20 of the best WooCommerce plugins that can help you drive more sales in 2023. These plugins cover various aspects of your store, such as product search, filters, order export, invoices, wishlists, funnels, checkout fields, currency switcher, and more. We will also provide you with the number of installs and ratings for each plugin, so you can easily compare them and choose the ones that suit your needs.


WooCommerce is a popular and free plugin that turns your WordPress site into a fully functional ecommerce store. It has all the basic features you need to sell your products online, such as product pages, cart, checkout, payment gateways, shipping options, and more. However, WooCommerce is not perfect. It has some limitations and drawbacks that might affect your store’s performance and user experience. For example, WooCommerce does not have a built-in product search feature, which means your customers might have a hard time finding what they are looking for. WooCommerce also does not have advanced filters or sorting options for your products, which can make your store look cluttered and unorganized. WooCommerce does not have a native way to export your orders or generate invoices and packing slips for your customers. WooCommerce does not have a wishlist feature, which can help you increase customer loyalty and conversions. WooCommerce does not have a funnel builder or a checkout field editor, which can help you optimize your sales process and collect more information from your customers. WooCommerce does not have a currency switcher feature, which can help you sell to customers from different countries and regions.

Fortunately, there are many WooCommerce plugins that can help you overcome these limitations and add more functionality to your store. These plugins are extensions that integrate with WooCommerce and enhance its features. They can help you improve your store’s design, performance, usability, security, marketing, analytics, and more. By using these plugins, you can create a more professional and attractive store that can attract more customers and increase your sales.

In this article, we will show you 20 of the best WooCommerce plugins that you can use in 2023 to boost your online sales. We have selected these plugins based on their popularity, functionality, compatibility, support, reviews, and ratings. We will also provide you with the number of installs and ratings for each plugin (as of October 2023), so you can easily compare them and choose the ones that fit your needs.

1. FiboSearch – Ajax Search for WooCommerce

FiboSearch is a powerful plugin that adds an advanced product search feature to your WooCommerce store. It uses Ajax technology to display instant and relevant results as your customers type in their queries. It also supports voice search, synonyms, fuzzy search, stop words, product attributes, categories, tags, custom fields, and more. You can customize the look and feel of the search box and the results with various options and styles.

Number of installs: 100K+

Rating: 4.9/5

2. Advanced AJAX Product Filters

Advanced AJAX Product Filters is a plugin that allows you to add unlimited filters to your WooCommerce store. You can filter your products by price range, color, size, rating, stock status, category, tag, attribute, custom taxonomy, or custom field. You can also create filter presets for different pages or categories. The plugin uses Ajax technology to update the products without reloading the page. You can also display the filters as checkboxes, radio buttons, dropdowns, sliders, color swatches, or labels.

Number of installs: 60K+

Rating: 4.6/5

3. Advanced Order Export For WooCommerce

Advanced Order Export For WooCommerce is a plugin that allows you to export your WooCommerce orders to various formats such as CSV, XML, JSON, XLS, XLSX, PDF, or HTML. You can also customize the fields and columns of the exported file according to your needs. You can filter the orders by date range, status, product, category, coupon, customer, shipping method, payment method, or any custom field. You can also schedule automatic exports via email or FTP.

Number of installs: 200K+

Rating: 4.9/5

4. WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips

WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips is a plugin that allows you to generate and send PDF invoices and packing slips to your customers automatically or manually. You can also download or print them from the admin panel or the order details page. You can customize the layout and content of the PDF documents with various templates and options. You can also add additional information such as company logo, address, tax number, barcode, QR code, or custom fields.

Number of installs: 300K+

Rating: 4.6/5

5. TI WooCommerce Wishlist

TI WooCommerce Wishlist is a plugin that allows you to add a wishlist feature to your WooCommerce store. A wishlist is a list of products that your customers can save for later or share with others. It can help you increase customer loyalty and conversions by encouraging them to return to your store and complete their purchases. You can also track and analyze the wishlist activity and behavior of your customers with various statistics and reports.

Number of installs: 100K+

Rating: 4.5/5

6. WooFunnels

WooFunnels is a plugin that allows you to create and optimize sales funnels for your WooCommerce store. A sales funnel is a series of steps that guide your customers from the first contact to the final purchase. It can help you increase your conversion rate and average order value by offering upsells, downsells, cross-sells, bump offers, or one-click offers. You can also create custom checkout pages and thank you pages with various elements and options.

Number of installs: 30K+

Rating: 4.8/5

7. Checkout Field Editor (Checkout Manager) for WooCommerce

Checkout Field Editor is a plugin that allows you to customize the checkout fields of your WooCommerce store. You can add, edit, delete, or rearrange the fields according to your needs. You can also change the field type, label, placeholder, class, validation, or conditional logic. You can create different field groups for different user roles, products, categories, or shipping methods.

Number of installs: 100K+

Rating: 4.6/5

8. WOOCS – Currency Switcher

WOOCS is a plugin that allows you to add a currency switcher feature to your WooCommerce store. It can help you sell to customers from different countries and regions by allowing them to choose their preferred currency from a list or a dropdown menu. The plugin supports multiple currencies, exchange rates, geo IP rules, fixed prices, currency aggregators, and more.

Number of installs: 40K+

Rating: 4.7/5

9. YITH WooCommerce Wishlist

YITH WooCommerce Wishlist is another plugin that allows you to add a wishlist feature to your WooCommerce store. It has similar features as TI WooCommerce Wishlist, but with some differences and variations. For example, it supports multiple wishlists, social sharing, promotional emails, ask for an estimate, stock alerts, and more.

Number of installs: 800K+

Rating: 4.3/5

10. WooCommerce Order Tracker

WooCommerce Order Tracker is a plugin that allows you to add an order tracking feature to your WooCommerce store. It can help you improve customer satisfaction and reduce support requests by allowing them to track the status and location of their orders from your store or from external shipping providers. You can also customize the order tracking page and email notifications with various options and styles.

Number of installs: 10K+

Rating: 4.8/5

11. Booster for WooCommerce

Booster for WooCommerce is a plugin that adds over 100 modules to your WooCommerce store. These modules cover various aspects of your store such as prices, currencies, products, cart, checkout, orders, shipping, payment gateways, invoices, emails, reports, and more. You can enable or disable the modules according to your needs and preferences.

Number of installs: 100K+

Rating: 4.7/5

12. YITH WooCommerce Compare

YITH WooCommerce Compare is a plugin that allows you to add a product comparison feature to your WooCommerce store. It can help you increase customer engagement and conversions by allowing them to compare the features and prices of different products in a table or popup window. You can also customize the comparison table and button with various options and styles.

Number of installs: 200K+

Rating: 4.2/5

13. WooCommerce Product Add-Ons

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons is a plugin that allows you to add extra options or custom fields to your WooCommerce products. It can help you increase customer satisfaction and revenue by allowing them to personalize their products with their own choices or inputs. You can add different types of fields such as text, textarea, file upload, checkbox, radio button, select box, date picker, color picker, or image swatch.

Number of installs: N/A (Premium plugin)

Rating: N/A (Premium plugin)

14. WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing

WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing is a plugin that allows you to create dynamic pricing rules for your WooCommerce products or categories. It can help you increase sales and loyalty by offering discounts or rewards based on various conditions such as quantity, total, user role, membership, coupon, or product attribute.

Number of installs: N/A (Premium plugin)

Rating: N/A (Premium plugin)

15. WooCommerce Product Table

WooCommerce Product Table is a plugin that allows you to display your WooCommerce products in a responsive and sortable table. It can help you improve your store’s usability and conversion rate by allowing your customers to view more products at once, filter and search by any criteria, add multiple products to the cart, or buy with one click. You can also customize the table columns, layout, style, and behavior with various options and settings.

Number of installs: N/A (Premium plugin)

Rating: N/A (Premium plugin)

16. WooCommerce Multilingual

WooCommerce Multilingual is a plugin that allows you to create a multilingual WooCommerce store. It can help you reach more customers and increase your sales by allowing them to browse and buy your products in their own language and currency. The plugin integrates with WPML, a popular WordPress multilingual plugin, and supports translation of products, categories, tags, attributes, variations, coupons, emails, and more.

Number of installs: 100K+

Rating: 4.4/5

17. WooCommerce Subscriptions

WooCommerce Subscriptions is a plugin that allows you to sell subscription-based products or services on your WooCommerce store. It can help you generate recurring revenue and build customer loyalty by offering them regular deliveries, memberships, rentals, or access to premium content. You can create different types of subscriptions with various billing schedules, trial periods, sign-up fees, expiration dates, and more.

Number of installs: N/A (Premium plugin)

Rating: N/A (Premium plugin)

18. WooCommerce Points and Rewards

WooCommerce Points and Rewards is a plugin that allows you to create a loyalty program for your WooCommerce store. It can help you increase customer retention and referrals by rewarding them with points for their purchases, reviews, referrals, or other actions. You can also allow them to redeem their points for discounts or free products on your store.

Number of installs: N/A (Premium plugin)

Rating: N/A (Premium plugin)

19. WooCommerce Smart Coupons

WooCommerce Smart Coupons is a plugin that allows you to create and manage coupons for your WooCommerce store. It can help you boost your sales and conversions by offering discounts, free products, gift cards, store credits, or vouchers to your customers. You can also create coupon campaigns with various triggers, conditions, limits, and expiration dates.

Number of installs: N/A (Premium plugin)

Rating: N/A (Premium plugin)

20. WooCommerce Product Slider

WooCommerce Product Slider is a plugin that allows you to display your WooCommerce products in a responsive and attractive slider or carousel. It can help you showcase your featured products, best sellers, new arrivals, or any custom product category on your homepage or any other page of your store. You can also customize the slider design, animation, speed, navigation, pagination, and more.

Number of installs: 10K+

Rating: 4.5/5

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